Most seedlings and cuttings are field-grown in the rich loam soil of the Fraser Valley near Chilliwack, British Columbia.
The raised beds are seeded by a custom-built field seeder; only a few species are still seeded by hand.
The first weeding is also by hand; then the seedlings are large enough to permit mechanical weeding with a row cultivator.
In the fall, a specialized undercutter/lifter/shaker harvests the plants.

More difficult to propagate species are grown in plugs or tree pots in three greenhouses. This promotes a better root system and reduces transplant shock.
Also, pot material is available for delivery year-round, particularly useful for summer grafting.
Shrub production is via softwood cutting propagation in a mist house. Material is either potted for year-round sales, or lined-out in the field to be grown on and sold bare-root when dormant.

Budding and grafting occur summer and winter, in the greenhouse and in the field. Young grafts are available as potted plants year-round.
Whips and lightly branched trees are available bare-root while dormant, or potted up the rest of the year. We are expanding into pot-in-pot production so 5 and 7-gallon material will be available starting spring 2010.
Field harvesting, grading and shipping starts in the fall. Material is stored in a large commercial cooler or heeled in outside, depending on the species.
The bulk of the material is shipped during March and April while still dormant.